Georgina Campbell
Campbell has most recently starred in Tripped opposite Blake Harrison and alongside Jaime Winstone in After Hours, in BAFTA nominated Flowers with Oliva Coleman, and in Broadchurch.
Campbell also took a lead role in One Of Us and can be seen playing alongside Jude Law in Guy Ritchie’s feature film Knights of the Roundtable: King Arthur. Additionally, Campbell starred in Idris Elba’s short film story Five By Five.
A winner of the prestigious Best Leading Actress award at 2015’s BAFTA Awards for her performance in Murdered by my Boyfriend, Campbell’s other television roles include the Noah-The Ark, One Night and Ice Cream Girls.Read More
Campbell has most recently starred in Tripped opposite Blake Harrison and alongside Jaime Winstone in After Hours, in BAFTA nominated Flowers with Oliva Coleman, and in Broadchurch.
Campbell also took a lead role in One Of Us and can be seen playing alongside Jude Law in Guy Ritchie’s feature film Knights of the Roundtable: King Arthur. Additionally, Campbell starred in Idris Elba’s short film story Five By Five.
A winner of the prestigious Best Leading Actress award at 2015’s BAFTA Awards for her performance in Murdered by my Boyfriend, Campbell’s other television roles include the Noah-The Ark, One Night and Ice Cream Girls. You can currently see her in the latest season of Black Mirror.