WARNING: Do not read this photo recap if you don't want spoilers!
And so, in Minnesota, the search is on for Batch 47, the herbal vaccine against the zombie virus. That’s what these poor souls have come to find, but most of them will likely be killed in the process.
Murphy and Cassandra are here, too! They're in the greenhouse where horrible half-zombie/half-plants are grown, and there is evidence that Batch 47 cured people who'd been bitten by zombies. Well, cured-ish.
So, now the staff members of this strange and horrible place keep sending people one at a time into a sort of Greenhouse of Horrors (or, as Doc later calls it, a "Giant Shop of Horrors") to try and find Batch 47. And this bald man has clearly been looking for Murphy for quite some time. Wait a minute ... that's Dr. Kurian! Remember him? He was the big bad of the Season 1 finale ... and the man probably responsible for the zombie outbreak in the first place.
Meanwhile, up in the North Pole, Citizen Z continues the world's loneliest acting gig as he awaits word from ANYONE left on the planet.
As the team rolls up to the lab looking for some Z Weed (and Murphy), they come across this poor woman being attacked by this crazy plant zombie. They kill the phytozombie! Yes! Phytozombie is totally a thing!
Murphy can feel the pain of the plant zombies. This psychic connection is really something -- it seems to work both ways.
The team befriends this nice lady and the kid she's been palling around with. The poor kid is sick with a drug-resistant bacteria, and the team instantly takes a liking to her. She really gets it, you know?
Addy makes contact with Citizen Z! He tells her the coordinates for the CDC lab, but all she manages to write down is 3-4-1-1-8-9. This is secretly witnessed by Dr. Kurian.
After a few of the clinical trials of Batch 47 are blown up the noses of some zombie heads and the drug is revealed to have anti-zombie properties, Murphy and the Boss of the Greenhouse decide they're partners. And that's when Cassandra shows up to mention that the team has arrived.
So the team gets roped into helping harvest the rest of the seedpods in order to make more of the herbal zombie vaccine. They trade in their guns for garden tools and head into the Giant Shop of Horrors.
Oh, here's the opponent waiting for you in the Final Boss Fight of the Giant Shop of Horrors.
Murphy runs into Dr. Walter Kurian, who tells him that the only hope the world has left is people like Murphy – half human/half zombies.
But then this guy rolls up! Remember him? He was shootin' his bazooka all over Cheyenne. His name is Hector Alvarez, but folks call him The Scorpion, and he's in charge of a cartel known as the Zeroes (which explains the 'Z' tattoo on his hand). He shuts down the lab's Batch 47 expeditions ... and when Murphy's new partner protests, The Scorpion insists on human trials.
The human trial turns Murphy's partner into something of an "alive zombie." Hector doesn't have time for this nonsense, so he shoots him.
Murphy runs off and tries to free all the phytozombies in the Giant Shop of Horrors. They end up attacking him and the team has to fight for their lives. When they kill the Boss Phytozombie, Murphy is bereft like crazy.
When Doc finds the little girl and her motherly protector in the barn, he hands over the Batch 47 leaves and the little girl chews on them before she dies.
Finally, the team runs into someone they didn't expect: Serena, the pregnant lady who's been looking for Murphy (because she's pregnant with his kid). Uhm ... whatever's inside her is already making quite the impression.