We shouldn't need a microphone to tell you that there's no better place to watch over-muscled men bash their heads together than in the good ol' U S of A!
...this visual representation should suffice.
But if head bashing isn't your thing, that's a-ok, because this is the land of the free! These two gentlemen are free to have horrendous facial hair, for instance!
And I, for one, couldn't be more proud to live in a nation where two men can do whatever is happening in this image without the state intervening.
With our country's birthride right around the corner, your usual dingy duds simply won't do!
We know that themed accessorizing can pose a dilema. Just remember Coco Chanel's immortal advice: Before leaving the house take one thing off lest you over-accesorize.
Luckily, when it comes to celebrating the 4th of July, you don't have to worry about being too-matchy matchy.
In fact,l some patriots might kick you in the throat if you are found not to be wearing you star spangled best.
So unless you want to be down for the count this holiday weekend you better show your pride and wear your stripes proudly! and remember to have a safe and responsible celebration for our friends at Smackdown!