Don't Hate the Player 9 photos Next Gallery12 Monkeys: Sneak Peek 21048 Myka and Claudia in their in-game forms. 20638 Jinks, with Artie, searches for an artifact. 21049 Claudia and Pete begin the search for Fargo in the game world. 21050 Eureka's Fargo, the cause of all the trouble. 21051 Artie looking for evidence of an artifact. 21052 Artie and Jinks on the hunt. 21053 Pete and Fargo, transformed by the latter's immersive game world. 21054 Pete prepares to battle the denizens of Fargo's game world. 21055 Jinks and Artie contend with FBI agent Sally Stukowski. Previous Pause Next 1 of 9