John, the director of Thr33 Days Dead, looks stupefied when Tina, the film's producer, tells him she mortgaged her house so they can blow up a boat.
Terry, who's in charge of special effects on Thr33 Days Dead, goes to the Jasper Public Library to research explosions. That he's reading about Hiroshima is a cause for concern.
Terry recruits Chase, his sister's boyfriend, to help blow up the boat. Chase says, "There's only three great loves of my life: women, food and blowing things up."
Tina informs Jasper's city council that she's going to blow up a boat on Smith Lake. The council says that because it's a private lake, they can't stop her. Tina says, "Boom. Y'all just got Teetered!" (Her last name is Teeter.)
Chase and Terry tell the employees at Jasper's hardware store that they need some dynamite to blow up a boat, and an old man sells them the explosives. Only in America!
Zombie extras arrive on the day of the boat-explosion shoot. Bryan, the lead actor, explains that he's going to "beat the living hell out of some zombies" before the boat blows up.
Chase gives Terry a detonator to blow up the boat. Terry asks where he got the device, and Chase says, "On eBay."
While they're rehearsing the scene where the boat blows up, the boat explodes. Cameras aren't rolling. It's a disaster of epic proportions. Terry (far left) claims he wasn't detonating the bomb, but in this pic, it sure looks like he is.
The crew decides they're going to try to blow up another boat. To practice with the explosives, Chase and Terry blow up a rotisserie chicken.
The crew blows up a second boat. It looks terrible. John says, "I've seen bigger smoke plumes coming outta Chase's rear end."