There's no delicate way to put it: Penny's an asshole. But he's a charismatic one. And his power potential? Limitless.
Quentin Coldwater
Quentin's the wide eyed kid at Brakebills, a startling change of position from the once depressed post grad struggling for meaning. Magic finally gave Quentin something; a purpose; a belief. You can better believe he'll do anything to keep it.
Margo Hanson
It's unclear which is sharper with Margo - her brain or her tongue. What IS clear is her level of ambition. P.S. Don't get on her bad side.
Alice Quinn
Alice is extraordinarily talented, almost as skilled as she is shy. She has a family legacy at Brakebills. Which, incidentally, may be the only normal thing about her family.
Eliot Waugh
Eliot's a second year student at Brakebills. He's got loads of talent, just not loads of patience. He's got an A+ in partying.
Julia Wicker
Julia's a perfectionist, meaning her rejection from Brakebills was a particularly huge blow. Normally pragmatic, her quest for magic leads to actions that can be described, at minimum, as extreme.