WARNING: If you don't want want to know what happened in this episode, don't read this photo recap!
Turns out, the Mundang knicked a bit of Julia's shade (her soul, sort of) during the exorcism of the demon baby. Now, something is definitely up with Julia, she's freewheeling and a little giddy as she and Kady come up with a new plan to banish Reynard: find Dana's baby.
Meanwhile, Alice and Quentin seal a word-bond so that Alice can use his body for a half hour every day, as long as she abides by some rules.
While Eliot convalesces in Fillory, Margo tells Quentin the best thing he can do is to be there for Julia. And Julia is going to create a door to find the hospital where Reynard's son was likely surrendered when he was born.
Meanwhile, Reynard catches up with Julia and threatens her, so Quentin takes them both - he and Julia - to Fillory, where Julia is told to find some way to protect herself. Julia's not down to just hang around, but agrees.
Alice, it turns out, has taken over Quentin's body and done some research but she won't tell him what it is. His big suspicion, though? She's trying to solve being a niffin.
Penny continues running errands for Mayakovsky. He ends up at the Library of the Neitherlands. That charming Librarian offers him an alternative to his problem: he lets the Order of Librarians help. But the contract would mean he's in their debt for a million years. Penny refuses.
A lot is going down in Fillory. War is starting! Julia convinces Margo to let her help talk the forest into aiding Fillory in their war against Loria. (Yes, that.) They meet a crazy handsome Dryad, but he refuses.
Penny and Quentin help Kady with the search for Reynard's son, and after bargaining for more time in the body, Alice finally tells Quentin that there's a device they can use to see into the past. It's a viewfinder that could show them the day Reynard's son was surrendered to the hospital after he was born.
Looks like they've found their man. AND he seems to have erased his face from time. Woah. This is a twist nobody saw coming.
Julia meets up with that spooky sorcerer who moved Castle Whitespire and asks him for a favor. Though it's unclear what she's up to.
Unclear, that is, until she hands the spell to that handsome Dryad guy. And as she walks away, the forest explodes in flames. Turns out, THAT was her plan. Problem solved for Fillory. Julia's gotten a little more badass, no?
Meanwhile, Quentin wakes up after letting Alice use his body, only to learn that Alice has killed a little girl. To be fair, that little girl also happened to be an angler beast with some of the answers to finding Alice's prize: a guy named Friar Joseph.
Look, Julia's plan was pretty brilliant no matter how badly it destroyed an entire forest. But Margo is furious about her effort and has her sent to the dungeons.
Quentin tries to break the word-as-bond that lets Alice out to do her bidding, but it's unbreakable. Quentin wakes up with Alice in Dublin, to find out she's tricked him.
Alice wants Quentin to help her find Friar Joseph, a Niffin who found a way to avoid getting boxed. He's been able to evade it for six centuries. He tells her to free herself from Quentin and then he'll help her.
Eliot is awake! The spells worked! He's returned completely to his body! Margo is, of course, relieved.
Back at Brakebills, Penny recovers from his argument with Kady and returns from the library with the name of Reynard's son: John Spencer Gaines. Also? Penny signed that contract so he could get magic back. And now he owes his soul to the Order of Librarians.
And then…the secret is out. Penny looks into Quentin's mind and figures it all out - Alice is inside him.