WARNING: If you don't want to know what happens in this episode, don't read this photo recap!
After going through a divorce, Annmarie was thrilled to be dating again. Yet things in her new relationship quickly turned sour when her boyfriend started to become aggressive and verbally abusive. Things got worse when her now ex-boyfriend began posting naked photos of Annmarie on the Internet - photos Annmarie did not consent to taking. Photos that Annmarie did not want released.
The images were shared across social media and were added to porn sites. Annmarie, a college professor, was stalked, ridiculed and humiliated at work. The anxiety and depression from the whole ordeal made Annmarie suicidal, but her lovefor her children and mother kept her going.
Annmarie wasn't able to receive any assistance from her local law enforcement - as most laws haven’t caught up with the times in relation to cyber attacks. So Annmarie took matters into her own hands, collaborating with a group of other women to found the Cyber Civil Rights Initiative (CCRI), which is a nonprofit dedicated to providing resources and information to the public about their rights regarding revenge posting of nude images and videos.
Let’s face it, Queen Bey is perhaps the only one who “woke up like dis.” Which is why Ashley did what many girls do before prepping for a party - she got her makeup done. Hoping to promote her business and skills, the makeup artist then posted before and after photos of Ashley’s face on her Instagram page and the Internet went wild... with harsh criticism.
Ashley was bullied on social media and her before/after image was being shared across sites - used as fodder for cruel Internet memes and harsh jokes. She even started getting recognized in public with people laughing to her face and pointing at her. All of this caused Ashely’s self esteem to hit an extreme low.
With the support of her father, who wrote an open letter about his love and pride of Ashley via Facebook, Ashley was able to regain her confidence. She was inspired to speak out against her haters and made a response video speaking directly to her cyber bullies. To date, her response video has received over 1MM views on YouTube. Since then, Ashley has been been interviewed by her local news and other shows where she speaks out against cyber bullying.