This episode opens with Mike on the receiving end of some heartbreaking news…
Though his imagined divine explanation may be a bit off of the mark, the fact remains that Mike's paternal duties are looking limited to the management of his godly fraternity.
And, to make matters more complicated, an old friend, thought to long be consigned to the life of a vegetable, starts to stir. Also, he’s muttering the same Norse chants that Olaf used in last week’s episode to herald the coming of the Allfather, Odin.
Elsewhere, Axl comes to terms with the notion that the Frigg may not be rocking the body of a goddess – she could be a child, a mother, or even an old granny!
Meanwhile the mysterious cohort of goddesses devise their strategy using genealogy to locate the Frigg and bring her under their sway.
Anders’ plan relies less upon subtlety and calculation. He aims to throw Axl at all of the women in New Zealand and wait to see which one sticks – starting with the blondes. It could work…if Axl doesn’t mind plowing over a few hearts in the process.
Unfortunately for Anders, Axl is a bit more of a gentleman than anticipated. Besides, he has his eye set on someone else, Frigg be damned!
Here, Axl demonstrates the effectiveness of telling a date that the last woman you pursued punctured your sternum.
Anders, however, is persistent, and befuddled by Axl’s unwillingness to play the field.
All becomes clear when Axl confesses his virginity - a consequence of inopportunity more than a lack of trying. And Anders eventually convincing Axl to blow off last night’s dinner date with promises of uninterrupted sexual intercourse.
Savvy viewers should not be shocked to see that dealings between gods often come with unforeseen consequences. In this case, Axl must take up the mantle of team mascot if he hopes to get the girl.
…at least he doesn’t have to be the bunny.
And apparently the rivalry between mascots runs deep and furious.
After Anders uses his god-speak to convince Kendra that Axl’s mascot melee was fought in the name of her honor, it’s suddenly not so bad to be a dragon that got your ass beat by a bunny.
…not so bad at all.
Since a Norse god just can’t catch a break these days, Axl’s godly appendage somehow sent Kendra into shock – a condition that could only be reversed by a bracingly cold touch from Ty. Suffice it to say, this woman is none too happy when she comes to.
In the aftermath of Axl’s first time (and what was nearly Kendra’s last!) Mike sits the young god down to share a cautionary tale about flaunting one’s godly stature.
As it turns out, Mike’s comatose friend fell into his vegetative state after Mike enraged some local thugs by brazenly challenging them to a game of billiards and then rubbing their face in defeat at the hands of the freshly incarnated Uhl, god of games.
To add insult to injury, Axl’s posse followed him to the Volley Ball game to cheer him on as he performed his duties as team mascot.
They had hoped to laud his battle prowess as a conquering dragon, but it seems that Axl was already receiving a hero’s welcome. Doesn’t look like there will be too many dinner dates in Axl’s future, now does there?