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Star Wars: The Clone Wars tops list of most in-demand sci-fi shows as it bids farewell

By Josh Weiss
Star Wars The Clone Wars

The series finale of Star Wars: The Clone Wars drew in enough viewers to fill Emperor Palpatine's weird amphitheater on Exegol (not that anyone's going to theaters anymore).

According to information provided to SYFY WIRE by Parrot Analytics, the animated Lucasfilm show was the most in-demand science fiction series in the United States over the last week. Clone Wars easily beat out the competition (which includes its fellow Star Wars-Disney+ offering, The Mandalorian) with just over 119 times more viewership than the "Average Title."

Stranger Things took second place by being 54.92 times more in-demand. Production on Season 4 is currently on hold amid the coronavirus pandemic, meaning that fans must settle for the first three entries of the nostalgic Netflix series at the current time. The Mandalorian (perhaps enjoying a boost from May the 4th celebrations or just general excitement over the impending second season, which is slated to premiere this fall) bounty hunted its way to third place .

Take a deeper look with the chart below:

Parrot Analytics in demand sci-fi show data

After a middling third season, Westworld clocked in as the fourth most in-demand sci-fi show in America. It was 45.22 times more in-demand than the Average Title.

"U.S. demand for Westworld one day after its Season 3 finale was higher than demand one day after the Season 2 finale by 42.3 percent," reads the Parrot Analytics report. "However, U.S. demand after the Season 1 finale was still 32.5 percent higher than demand after the Season 3 finale."

On a global scale, the existential HBO show fared better as the third most in-demand show in the entire world after Game of Thrones and La Casa de Papel

Westworld Season 3

"It has been 80.59x more in-demand than the average show globally over this time period," Parrot says. "On a daily basis during this time it has ranked as high as #2 five times - April 20, April 27-28, and May 4-5, the two days after its season 3 finale."

And finally, we've got the reliable Doctor Who as the United States' fifth most in-demand sci-fi show. Brilliant!

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