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Hasbro is reviving those classic Kenner Star Wars action figures from the 1970s

By Benjamin Bullard
Kenner Darth Vader action figure reissued by Hasbro

One of the most coveted of all action figure lineups in the history of fandom is returning like a Jedi to store shelves. Hasbro has just revealed a new lineup of reissued Star Wars: Episode IV action figures lifted straight from the retro Kenner models that almost singlehandedly kicked off the whole movie-toy tie-in craze we all now take for granted.

If you’re old enough to remember A New Hope when it was in theaters (or even if you’re just old enough to browse auction sites to ogle how valuable the originals have become), then these six figures — completely faithful to Kenner’s 1970s models, right down to those bendy pull-out lightsabers — will likely force some deep nostalgic feels.

Luke, Darth, Leia, Han, Chewie, and the standard Imperial stormtrooper — they’re all here, and they all look just as cool as they did 40 years ago (because, well, they are).

Missing media item.
Kenner Darth Vader action figure reissued by Hasbro
Kenner Princess Leia action figure reissued by Hasbro
Kenner Han Solo action figure reissued by Hasbro
Missing media item.
Kenner Stormtrooper action figure reissued by Hasbro
Even the packaging falls close to the retro mark: Hasbro acquired Kenner in the early ‘90s, but the Kenner label’s still right there on the box. Each toy now sports the “Retro Collection” label, though — likely to distinguish the new versions for the benefit of the super-competitive collectors’ market.

Entertainment Weekly reports the new, old-school toy line will be making its way to other retailers this fall, though we don’t know if Hasbro has plans to add other Kenner classics to the mix. But now that our appetite’s good and whetted, we’re really looking out for a couple of famous droids.

Best of all, picking up a new-in-box version of one of these bad boys won’t require a meeting with your loan officer: Available exclusively at Target, each figure costs $9.99 — which is fairly cheap even by retro standards. Check out Hasbro’s Retro Collection page to gander even more photos of all six Star Wars classics … and let the Force become one with your pocketbook.

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