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Game of Thrones' Grey Worm says ending gives fans what they need, not what they want

By Josh Weiss
Grey Worm Jacob Anderson Game of Thrones

Usually so deadpan and serious, the actor who plays Grey Worm is beginning to crack under the pressure of questions pertaining to the Game of Thrones series finale on Sunday. During an appearance on ABC's Strahan and Sara today, Jacob Anderson fielded queries from the audience about whether or not his character will die and if he's satisfied with the ending fans are holding their breaths for.

"I am [satisfied] but, I mean, satisfaction is relative, right?"" he said. "I really hope that you're satisfied by the ending," he said. "The show has told you from the beginning like you're not necessarily gonna get what you want, you're gonna get what you need."

While that may be a bit of a cop out answer, it could be a warning for fans to temper their expectations just a little bit. Your head canon will most likely not come true, but the last episode will wrap up the last eight seasons in the best way it sees fit. We'll just have to go along for the ride and accept what comes and if you're let down, that's okay. There's three Thrones spinoffs in the works, so fans who want more won't be leaving this universe anytime soon.

Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 5

When it comes to that infamous petition for HBO to remake Season 8 with new writers, Anderson isn't all that happy.

“I think it’s rude," he said, adding that while it's important that the show is very special to many fans, they don't get to dictate the direction in which it goes. “I was there and the crew, in particular, are like the hardest working people I’ve ever met … To trivialize their work in that way, it’s kind of sad.”

Claiming he couldn't defend the whole coffee cup controversy to many laughs, Anderson gave another sort of non-answer when asked if Grey Worm bites the dust in the series finale.

"All men must die, and women... we're all gonna die at some point," he added, alluding to the High Valyrian refrain of "valar morghulis" ("all men must die") and its correct response, "valar dohaeris" ("all men must serve"). 

If Grey Worm is allying himself with the Mad Queen (Emilia Clarke), then his prospects aren't looking good, unless the tables are turned and Dany kills everyone else and ends out on top. You never know, crazier things have happened in Westeros.

"Personally, I’m of the mind that it was completely earned," he added in reference to Dany totally losing it and burning Kings Landing to a crisp this past episode, even after the people surrended. Making it all the way to the end was huge for Anderson, who never expected to live this long.

“I thought I was gone like Season 4," he finished, before being presented with a T-shirt that reads "I made it to the final episode of Game of Thrones and haven't died." Just to hedge the odds a little, the other side of the shirt reads "Yet?"

Grey Worm Game of Thrones Season 8

After the horrific death of Missandei of Naath (Nathalie Emmanuel) two episodes ago, Anderson helped lighten the mood a bit on Twitter by posting a video of himself and Emmanuel performing the "Running Man Challenge" on the set of the show.

The Game of Thrones series finale airs on HBO this Sunday at 9pm EST. Creators and showrunners, D.B. Weiss and David Benioff, both wrote and directed the show's swan song installment. So, who will end up meeting their maker by the end?

“I’d wait deciding on Tyrion for a name, because you never know," Anderson said.