These edible crayons come in bright colors and delicious flavors. Yes, seriously.

Who wants to play with their food? Better still, who wants to take edible entertainment all the way to its logical conclusion and actually just eat the toys themselves? Though it’s designed with kids’ safety in mind, a colorful new crayon kit from a Japanese designer and mom is coloring outside the lines of artistic etiquette with a crayon set that lets kids (and grown-ups) do just that.
Creator Naoko Kimura’s Mizuiro company is already chewing through its startup funding goal for Vegetable Crayons (aka Oyasai Crayons), a kit filled with completely edible art-making tools inspired by Kimura’s own perfectly rational observation as she took stock of her daughter’s toys: “Whenever children take an interest in something, they put it in their mouth,” she explains at Kickstarter. “So why do crayons, something so close to most children, not seem all that safe?”
Mizuiro’s website may be in Japanese, but there’s no language barrier in the company’s promotional clip, which features a gaggle of happy, produce-totin’ kids vibing to a Sesame Street-style beat — while their veggies go from field to floral-colored drawing sticks.
Check it out:
Of course all the mainstream makers have long claimed that their crayons are non-toxic. But these — which the company says are derived from veggie waste and rice bran wax — are pretty much pitched with the assurance that the worst side effect from eating your toys will be a tell-tale mouthful of blue. Whether you want to share that info with the kids (or an unsuspecting adult known for putting things in their mouth), though, is entirely up to you.
Kimura first conceived the idea in 2012, but the new campaign aims to take her company’s production plans from small-scale to the big time. At first, the goal was simply to make a product that would do a child no harm if digested, but it's since expanded to become a “zero-waste, eco-friendly item” in order to fulfill the company’s mission of “helping kids think about nature” and “leaving a world we can be proud of for kids.”
Hey, don’t take it as medical advice, but more than one of us SYFY adults gnawed on our share of good old-fashioned wax crayons back in our childhood days — and we turned out totally fine…right? Still, backers think Kimura does have a (not too sharp for danger) point: With 20 days still left in the month-long campaign, Mizuiro has already colored in nearly half of its initial $9,200 goal.
A basic box of Mizuiro’s Vegetable Crayons includes 10 colors with biodegradable sleeves — plus the built-in confidence that, even if your crayon creations are painful to look at, you (allegedly) won’t get stomach cramps from blaming your tools and devouring the set in an appetized fit of artistic angst. If you’re hungry to learn more, scribble on over to the Mizuiro Kickstarter page for all the messy details.