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SYFY WIRE television

Buffy is taking a bite out of vinyl with Mondo’s Once More, With Feeling release

By Elizabeth Rayne
Buffy the Vampire Slayer

That musical episode of Buffy is coming out for an encore. Once more. With feeling.

You could argue that Joss Whedon’s 2001 episode “Once More, With Feeling” sparked the trend of almost every prime-time show in existence going all Broadway at least once. It’s not every day you hear the Chosen One singing to herself as she stakes the undead. Even though the OG TV musical will never win a Tony award (or get adapted for the stage so it could possibly snag one), at least it’s getting its own Mondo vinyl release.

“We’ve been huge fans of Buffy: The Vampire Slayer for decades,” said Mondo Record Label manager Mo Shafeek. “Our obsession with the musical episode ‘Once More With Feeling’ inadvertently presented a solution to a long standing problem of how to best entry point for us to celebrate the brilliantly singular, yet expansive series."

As if reliving that episode (again) isn’t enough, the retro-cool jacket artwork by Paul Mann deserves its own billboard. From the lettering that looks like it’s going to light up any moment to the faces of Buffy, Willow, Xander, Spike, and the rest of the human and fanged denizens of Sunnydale arranged like the cover of a vintage musical soundtrack, this is something every Buffy fan needs to sink their fangs into. It even has its own—wait for it—Slaybill.

“It took a few years to get it perfect, but we couldn’t be prouder with the artwork that Paul Mann put together—including some truly inspired additional design by Chris Bilheimer and Eric Montes, who came up with the idea of the ‘Slaybill’ lyric booklet,” said Shafeek.

You’d better be going through the motions if what you feel about this vinyl is something to sing about and you don’t want to be howling dawn’s lament, because this is going to sell out faster than Angel can go from swoonworthy to evil.

Get your claws on it when it goes on sale March 20 at 12 p.m. CST, or you’ll never rest in peace.

(via Consequence of Sound)

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