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SYFY WIRE Trailers

Exclusive: Lyanna Mormont trades armor for a shotgun in trailer for sci-fi short Zero

By Jacob Oller
ZERO header Bella Ramsey

Lyanna Mormont has been one of the best characters Game of Thrones has ever introduced, even if fans have only gotten brief glimpses of the stoic preteen head of House Mormont’s badassery. If Bella Ramsey, the actress behind the Bear Island leader, can win hearts and minds with so few lines, it makes sense that she’d be able to replicate the same magic in a short film. Staying in the world of genre, Ramsey is starring in a sci-fi short called Zero, which lets her show off some similarly cool skills in a world much more modern than Westeros.

SYFY WIRE has an exclusive first look at the short, which comes from Gunpowder & Sky’s sci-fi label DUST and involves a dreary and cold-looking pair (Ramsey and an older man played by Nigel O'Neill) in a rundown house. Why does she have to stay inside? Is something out there? That shotgun seems to have some answers, as everything counts down to Zero in the short film’s first trailer.

Check it out:

Directed by brothers David T. and Keith Lynch, Zero is “a proof of concept for a feature project,” according to the filmmakers’ website, that tells a post-apocalyptic story about the aftermath of a robot vs. human war. Understandably the consequences — and the technology available to humanity after its resolution — are dire. No wonder Ramsey’s house doesn’t look like it has central heating.

"We feel that we've found ourselves with the perfect release scenario for our short,” the directing duo told SYFY WIRE. “Also, working with Bella Ramsey was inspirational. She challenged us to be better at every stage of the shoot. We knew she was a serious talent from Game of Thrones, but honestly it's scratching the surface of what Bella is capable of — she's only just getting warmed up.”

Fans can check out the poster below for an even better look at the havoc Ramsey is going to wreak on any surviving remnants of the war:

Zero posterZero big poster

Zero will screen at Tribeca Film Festival and premiere on DUST later this summer..

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