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Big Red endures a long night at Goloski Station in Dark Horse's Hellboy Halloween one-shot

By Jeff Spry
Hellboy Hero

What would Halloween be without fun-sized candy bars, glowing jack 'o lanterns, and a devilish new Hellboy adventure to darken the holiday mood?

To help keep the sinister spirit of the season, Dark Horse Comics is treating fans to a new 32-page horror offering starring Big Red titled Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: Long Night at Goloski Station — and SYFY WIRE has an expanded preview of this diabolical delight hitting comic shops Oct. 30.

Hellboy Cover

Written by Mike Mignola and injected with atmospheric art by Matt Smith colored by Hellboy veteran Dave Stewart, the spooky storyline awakens during a quiet night at a dilapidated Russian train station in 1967, which turns into a hellaciously demonic smackdown for Hellboy when three evil interlopers pass through. It's an all-out Western-style supernatural standoff, sure to evoke a stampede of vivid nightmares!

Hellboy Slice 1

"I’ve been a fan of Matt’s stuff since Barbarian Lord way back when," Mignola tells SYFY WIRE. "I’ve followed his work online, seen him draw Hellboy a couple times just for fun, and eventually I worked up the nerve to ask him if he’d like to draw a story. And he said yes. ... I wish I had a better story for how this all came about. And I wish I could explain what it is about Matt’s work I like so much. You’d think as an artist I’d be able to explain something like that. His stuff is comfortable, relaxed, it has a wonderful bounce to it if that makes any sense. He makes it look easy and I wish like hell I could draw like him."

Smith is best known for his work in Image Comics' Lake of Fire and Boom!'s upcoming fantasy adventure series Folklords with Matt Kindt, and here he makes his triumphant debut in the beloved Mignolaverse.

Smith 14

"For an early thought of what a cool remote train station might look like, I turned to Horror Express from 1972," Smith tells SYFY WIRE. "It didn’t really work for the western feel Mike had in the script, though. Mike sent some photos early on of cool rickety old train stations for the overall vibe of what he imagined in the script.

"I was also lucky enough to have a Russian friend online who sent me a whole bunch of photos of old Russian train stations," he adds. "I basically took some details from those and grafted them onto a cabin-like structure — trying to get at something of what Mike had in mind with a Russian edge to it."


"I immediately loved the [werewolf hunter] character Mike wrote in, Yad, and I felt like I could hear his voice and see his mannerisms when first reading the script," Smith explains. "One of my main goals for this story was to try to bring him to life as best I could."

Now chug into our exclusive look at Dark Horse Comics' Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: Long Night at Goloski Station in the full gallery below, including a wealth of process art and concept sketches, then tell us if reading this latest Hellboy tale seems like the perfect way to end a chilling Halloween night! 

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