NYCC 2019: A 'woke Jay' in Clerks 3? And other Quick Stop ponderings
Perhaps at the top of the stoner-geek wishlist is the desire to see Clerks 3, following up on the film that made Kevin Smith a household name.
In an exclusive interview, Smith talks about what we may see in Clerks 3. He explains that an earlier draft was "much sadder," "depressing," was the "King Lear of Clerks movies." After Smith's heart attack a few years ago, he decided he is not ready to take on death head-on. Clerks reflected Smith in his 20s; Clerks II reflected Smith in his 30s. The first script for Clerks 3 reflected on Smith from his 40s through death. "I don't want to think about death," Smith tells SYFY WIRE. Though it's not written yet, Smith thinks this will be his easiest script to write, and promises it will be very funny.
Then, our Con After Dark hosts Caitlin Busch, Jackie Jennings, and Jordan Carlos discuss what we might see in a Clerks 3. What's the status of the Quick Stop? How will Dante and Randal deal with movie streaming services? Will we see a "woke" Jay?
What do you guys think?
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