The world of DC's Future State continues in new 'Gotham' ongoing series starring Jason Todd
Future State, the massive line-wide event in which the entire DC Universe jumped forward to give us a glimpse of possible futures and the characters who inhabit them, was announced as a finite, two-month affair. But that never meant that all of Future State would simply be locked away at the end of February. The books released over the last five weeks have already unlocked whole new worlds of concepts of conflicts worth exploring further, and now we know that DC Comics has plans for at least one major adventure that will continue in the dark future of one of the most famous DC Universe cities.
Today DC announced Future State: Gotham, a new ongoing series set in the neon-streaked police state version of Gotham City explored in Future State titles like The Next Batman, Dark Detective, Robin Eternal and more. The series will feature the entire cast of the Gotham City-set Future State books, and pick up directly where the Dark Detective Red Hood backup stories by Joshua Williamson and Giannis Milonogiannis leave off. The new ongoing series, rendered in what DC calls "stark, black and white tones," will reunite the writer-artist team of Williamson and Giannis and add Dennis Culver (Crone) as a co-writer.
Future State: Gotham is set in a future Gotham City ruled by the Magistrate, a private security force that's taken control of the city and essentially declared war on all masked vigilantes, particularly Batman. As the story picks up, Red Hood himself, Jason Todd, has allied with the Magistrate in the wake of a disaster. All the evidence points to Tim Fox, Future State's Next Batman, as the man behind the calamity, and Jason sets out to bring him in, no matter what it takes.
The first six-issue story arc, "Hunt The Next Batman," will focus on this particular conflict, but this is an ongoing series starring the larger Gotham cast, so a whole world of possibilities are open to the book if it's able to continue. Williamson, Culver, and Milonogiannis have a massive sandbox to play in here, and it'll be interesting to see where they take the Future State world even after other main DC titles have returned to the present.
Future State: Gotham #1 arrives May 11.