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Exclusive preview: Dynamite's Barbarella/Dejah Thoris #1 delivers a cosmic mystery from Leah Williams

By Jeff Spry
Barbarella Dejah Thoris Cover Hero

The start of a new year is a time of reflection, hope, and fresh alliances, not just in our own mortal coil but also within the vast intersecting rings of the comic book world.

Continuing its knack for pairing up some of finest legendary female warriors, Dynamite Comics is uniting the spacefaring crusader Barbarella with Barsoom's resident royalty Dejah Thoris in a wild new fantasy adventure miniseries sure to ring your bell for 2019, and SYFY WIRE has an exclusive peek at the premiere issue.

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Dynamite has already matched Dejah Thoris with the bloodsucking temptress Vampirella in their own Vampirella/Dejah Thoris title that debuted last fall, and now two classic heroines unite from the polar opposites of time for a sprawling adventure among the stars courtesy of writer Leah Williams (Adventure Time Comics, X-Men: Black) and artist German Garcia (Action Comics, X-Men).

Buckle up as Barbarella, the siren of space, encounters Dejah Thoris, Princess of Barsoom, and together they must solve a mind-warping murder mystery encompassing time and space to find their way home.

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Williams believes that writing this pulpy 4-part release has been one of the single most fun projects she's ever worked on, and not just because it’s full-on space opera with provocative characters.

"Barbarella and Dejah’s respective skill sets are so well suited to each other’s that I’m surprised this is the first instance time and space have been traversed to get their team-up happening," Williams tells SYFY WIRE. "Throughout the miniseries, their dialogue swings between sharp, sweet, and biting, and German Garcia’s gorgeous, taut art adds a dynamism that ignites every breathtaking action sequence.

"I wish this series was forever, but four issues of something so amazing is still a thrill ride and I’m forever grateful to Matt Idelson and Dynamite for this opportunity, and I can’t wait for people to read the full first issue and know exactly what I’m talking about," she adds. "The first issue opens with a murder, and if you look closely, you’ll even be able to solve the whodunit mystery before Barbarella does. All the clues are on the pages!"

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Check out our exclusive seven-page preview and the wealth of striking variant covers for Barbarella/Dejah Thoris #1 in the full gallery below. The issue lands in comic shops Jan. 9.

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