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Chosen One of the Day: Chris Bachalo's pretty Peter Parker

By Preeti Chhibber
ASM #630 Chris Bachalo

The first time Chris Bachalo penciled Peter Parker in a solo book was in issue #555 of Amazing Spider-Man, released in 2008. We don’t get a ton of Parker face; he spends most of it masked, though there is a hint when he stops to, uh, eat some cereal. 

ASM #555 Chris Bachalo

I mean. Look at that mouth. 

ASM #630 2 Chris Bachalo

But I want to talk about an evolution of this Pete. Just two short years later, in Amazing Spider-Man #630, we get this sensitive soul. Bachalo does magic work with Pete’s eyes, and consistently giving him that pouty lip. Honestly, even when he’s hunched over his phone protecting it like he’s Smaug sitting on a buttload of treasure.

Spectacular Spider-Man Annual Chris Bachalo

In Spectacular Spider-Man Annual #1, Bachalo’s back at the helm of not just Spidey, but also Peter Parker. In the second part of this issue, we get peak Pretty Parker. Look at those lashes. That eyeliner. Look at the wing. The arched brow that would put even the most militant desi Auntie threading your eyebrows to shame. That mouth that has clearly seen the healing power of not just a radioactive spider-bite, but also a well-deserved Sephora lip mask. 

SSM #308 2 & 3

And look at his hair in #308 of Spectacular Spider-Man. That elegantly disheveled coif. You just want to put your hands in it. 

He’s so damn demure in Bachalo’s world and we love him for it. 

SSM #308 2 wordless Chris Bachalo
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