15 Days of Everything Else Day 7: The Punisher (1989 & 2004)

Welcome back to 15 Days of Everything Else, a variation on our Days of Marvel podcast in which we're taking a look at all the non-MCU Marvel movies that also aren't X-Men movies. (It'll make more sense as it goes along, trust us.)
Today, it's all about The Punisher (1989). And The Punisher (2004). We know you've always wanted to watch both movies at the same time, but looking back and forth between two screens is hard, so we have the next best thing. One podcast, two movies! Sit in with Karama, Brian, and Dany as they discuss the plots and best moments of not one but two Punisher movies! You can't miss it (Frank Castle certainly wouldn't!).
The Punisher(s), we say!
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