After following a lead that promised to reveal the truth about her mother, an injured Bo once again found Dyson to be a very sexy nurse. Despite sleeping over for a night of sexual healing, Dyson claimed he couldn't be anything more to Bo than a band-aid. But Kenzi was convinced his feelings ran deeper.
Dyson and Hale discuss Bo's case.
Bo's work with a Will o' the Wisp reveals new secrets about the Fae.
Not buying her neutral stance, the Ash and Morrigan forced Bo to fight for her freedom. Knowing Bo would need all the strength she could get, Dyson ordered her to kiss him, if only to draw strength from his sexy wolfy chi (P.S. since Dyson's a Fae, he doesn't die from locking lips).
Enter Dyson, a werewolf detective who's as sexy as he is scruffy. He and his partner Hale, a 21st century Siren with a voice that can hypnotize, immediately recognized Bo's sloppy kill as a case for the supernatural court.
Bo and Dyson, Fae lovers.
Meet Bo. Raised human, she’s actually a supernatural succubus (it sounds worse than it is). Her kiss can kill and she can kick your butt - and that's even before she's had her morning coffee. Read on to learn all the events of Lost Girl's first season - and how Bo discovered who (and what) she truly was.
Dyson's affection for Bo leads him down a dangerous path.