Warning: If you don't want to know what happened in this episode, don't read this photo recap!
With precious few moments of the series left, Kenzi, Dyson, Mark and Lauren find themselves trapped in the clubhouse as it burns. And the person who started the fire? Kenzi’s money is on Jack (Hades). But…
What? Bo started the fire and trapped the people she loves inside?! How is that possible?
Well, 24 hours earlier, Bo told Kenzi that the key to solving the Jack problem is the Pyrapus (Hades’ Hell horse). And then Kenzi found that Vex had his throat cut and that Tamsin has been taken.
Tamsin has been taken captive by Jack and kept in a cage. We’ve seen this before. This is much like Bo’s birth: a mom in a cage surrounded by Hades.
It turns out that what Jack is doing is killing anyone who was present at Bo’s birth. Vex (who’s alive!) tells them that the midwife was alive. And that for more answers, they have to ask…
Yep. Evony. Turns out that she’s loving being human, and does indeed know where the midwife is: locked up at a Fae horse ranch, taking care of the horses.
Mark and Dyson stop in at The Dal, which let’s recall – they own now. They decide to call a consillium, a gathering of powerful Fae – and it hasn’t been called in over 1200 years. Mark wants to summon the Dark as well as the Light Fae, but Dyson wants only the Light.
Bo and Kenzi head out to the Fae horse ranch and meet the midwife, whom Trick saved from execution years prior. Turns out that Trick wanted to protect Bo from Aife and Hades and the midwife (Luanne) hid Bo. When they ask about the Pyrapus, Luanne tells them to saddle up.
Hades turns out to be way more evil than anyone thought. He clipped Tamsin’s Valkyrie wings while she was sleeping! Tamsin tells Hades she won’t let the baby serve him. And Hades threatens her and saunters off.
Here’s the horse we came for, folks. The Pyrapus. Hell horse. Horse that breathes fire. And Bo decides she’s going to train it with that horseshoe that was forged by the gods. But when the horseshoe doesn’t fit, Bo realizes that the Pyrapus is…
Bo. Bo is the Hell horse. It turns out that when she group sucked the chi out of all those people – that was most likely the Pyrapus. Bo and Kenzi talk it out and Bo decides to go to Jack and surrender – it may be their only hope.
Meanwhile, there are some problems at the consillium. Both Dark and Light Fae have arrived and are fighting out what’s happening next while Dyson and Mark have father-son problems: Mark is learning how to change into his Fae self and Dyson is being supportive, despite their differences.
When Bo goes to confront her father, or more appropriately, surrender to him in order to save Tamsin: he tells her his plan – to let Tamsin die. Because that’s what happens to all Valkyries in childbirth. Bo, in full vulnerable mode over learning more about her past this episode, tells Hades that he's really the only person that's ever been honest with her so she's all in to be whatever he wants. We see Hades start to spin a manipulative web....
As the collection of wizards keep fighting over procedure and old prejudices surface, Dyson steps in and unites them with a moving speech, revealing to them that Trick was the Blood King.
So this is how Bo came to set the clubhouse on fire, summoning everyone to her. She says she has a plan, and…is this it? To burn them all in the clubhouse? It really seems like it. Bo (who we know has always been prone to a dark side) seems to be fully under Hades' thrall and tells her daddy to let them burn. He put her up to it, as a means to test her loyalty.
Hades offers Bo the throne he’s been saving for her as Tamsin begs for help. Bo has become something of a terrifying dark Fae. This isn’t how we thought this would go at all!