Faetal Justice: Season 1, Episode 11 9 photos Next Gallery12 Monkeys: Sneak Peek 27265 There's always something going on behind Bo's eyes. 27266 Bo and Dyson share a happy moment. 27267 Trick, Dyson and Bo face a challenge at the Dal Riata. 27268 Bo and Dyson must be wary when Dyson is accused of murdering a Dark Fae. 27269 Trick provides sanctuary to an amnesiac Dyson. 27270 The Morrigan is none too happy with the murder of one of her clan. 27271 Dyson faces torture from those who believe he committed murder. 27272 Dyson wolfs out. 27273 The Dark Fae do their best to get information out of Dyson. 27274 Kenzi in the dungeon. Previous Pause Next 1 of 10