Fae Gone Wild: Season 2, Episode 7 9 photos Next Gallery12 Monkeys: Sneak Peek 27187 Bo looks for the goods treasured enough to kill for 27188 Bo allows herself a moment to enjoy a job well done 27189 Bo fights Dyson in Sheri's defense 27190 Sheri and Bo light the Hand of Glory 27191 Hale is the ultimate wingman 27192 Bo appeals to Dyson's sympathetic side 27193 There is no fight Bo will back down from 27194 Dyson is torn between wanting to help the aggrieved, and wanting to play by the letter of the law 27195 Bo sees Sheri for who she really is 27196 Dyson and Hale, here to lay the smackdown Previous Pause Next 1 of 10