Lost Girl #SquadGoals
Basically, TSwift doesn't stand a chance against our Lost Girl squad.
While we know their fight to save lives is faebulous, they are more than that. Basically, TSwift doesn't stand a chance against our Lost Girl squad. Other than loving licorice, Chardonnay, Kevin Bacon movies, sex and saving the world, here's why Bo and her babes are the ultimate #SquadGoals and probably #RelationshipGoals as well.
1. With the end of the world somehow always coming their way, they're still down to party.
2. They are always living life on the wildside.
3. The BFF words of wisdom and encouragement will never end.
4. They always dress like they are going to meet their worst enemy...because... well, they are.
a. And have no problem saving the world and fighting the ancients while in couture.
5. They work on their communication skills.
a. And communicate quite well.
6. They don't let anyone penetrate their clique and they have an on-call Blood King with thousands of years of wisdom. #NoNewFriends
7. They have almost no problem with squad incest.
a. (I mean, there's the occasional speed bump, but they're pretty understanding.)
8. Since they are on the verge of death or doomsday quite often, they truly cherish the squad members.
9. They always partake in intellectually stimulating conversation and learn from one another.
10. They will do anything to protect one of their own. Even sacrifice their own life...over and over again.
You know you wish you were part of the Lost Girl faemily.