Dave Tango pauses for a picture while on the scene.
Norwhich State Hospital, Season 6 Episode 10: No paranormal investigators had ever been granted state permission to verify the claims at this notoriously haunted facility - until TAPS was invited in! With unseen entities chasing the ladies through tunnels and figures moving through corners, this episode may have had more "what the hell was that?" per hour than any other previous investigation! SO freakingly haunted! Read the full recap, here!
An eerie doll spooks Jason and Steve in the asylum's attic.
Essex County Penitentiary, Season 5 Episode 12: Suicides, tortures, prisoners of war. Just your run of the mill prison and murder house. Plus, Josh Gates of Destination Truth fame, helped out during the hunt. And the team quickly discovered that the entities at Essex are NOISY! But when Steve tells them to shut up, they listen! Cooperative ghosts - who knew?