Spotlight Challenge: Dangerous Beauty 9 photos Next Gallery12 Monkeys: Sneak Peek 23915 The judges peruse the contestants' entries. 23916 Ian and RJ stand proudly by their winning creation. 23917 The judges were ultimately unimpressed with Athena's paint job. 23918 The judges liked the features of Gerry and Matt's work, but weren't won over. 23919 The judgest check out the features of Athena and Tara's work. 23037 Ian and RJ's creation won big points. 23902 Guest judge Vivica A. Fox. 23920 Rayce and Heather got high marks for their work this week. 23921 The contestants await the judges' decision. 23922 Tara and Athena took a lot of criticism for their work. Previous Pause Next 1 of 10