Roy's Spotlight Challenges 9 photos Next Gallery12 Monkeys: Sneak Peek 23048 Roy, known for almost always sporting a hat, was just shy of making it to the final three in Season 3. 23047 This wee alien needs a robot exoskeleton to keep his image as a mogul 23049 Who dares defy the dagger master of the seven seas? 23050 Jason and Roy did a lot of fabrication work, but their color scheme left them in the bottom looks. 23051 Roy was able to acheive his ambitious concept of zombie flesh becoming a crown, earningn him a win for this week 23052 You don't have to look far to see the influence from their vehicle, a Dodge Charger 23053 Roy used the safety of his immunity to try some unaccustomed techniques 23054 Roy worked hard to get those eyes a'blinkin 23055 Roy's Foona Lagoona Baboona has great facial expressivity 23056 The judges loved the zombie makeup 23057 Roy's snake woman is a biker chick Previous Pause Next 1 of 11