McKenzie greets the contestants (yes, they're all officially contestants now!) on New York Street at Universal Studios. But what's up with the big fish? And the bananas? And the toy truck? As Cig notes, this makes no sense!
McKenzie explains that they'll be creating their own, over-the-top crime boss inspired by one of the props next to her. The props, in turn, come from the nickname of a real-life, deceased gangster!
Doug Drexler, the madman behind the "Dick Tracy" makeups, sheds a little light on how to succeed in this week's challenge: Be creative, he says, but keep it relatable!
Sasha and Barry get Allie "Tick Tock" Tannenbaum, so the prop they have to incorporate is a clock. They get stuck over whether to do a grandfather clock (Sasha's idea) or a rat (Barry's idea, based on the fact that Tick Tock ratted people out).
Cig and George love their "catch": Tony "Big Tuna" Accardo. They decide on a man so fat, his body looks like a tuna - he even sticks his cigar between his "gills" (known to us normal folk as rolls of fat).
After Mr. Westmore's walkthrough, Sasha and Barry discover that going the "rat" direction was not a good choice! By ignoring the key phrase of the challenge, they put themselves both at risk. Sasha crafts a time bomb prop that should incorporate the needed element.
Doug Drexler joins the judges' panel this week, along with Glenn, Neville, and fresh face Lois Burwell!
The judges felt that Dina and Jason's look was too on-the-nose for John "Peanuts" Tronolone. I mean - it's a peanut.
"Big Tuna" looks great! Cig's fat suit, the dorsal fin hair - it all comes together to earn them top looks, and Cig wins the challenge!
For Leonard "Needles" Gianola, Stella and Doc went pretty literal, a move that placed them in bottom looks.
The judges were thoroughly unimpressed with the rat concept for "Tick Tock" Tannenbaum. Since Barry was the author of that, he goes home this week.