In the first round, the artists chose cave paintings to use as inspiration for their alien visitor creations.
Rick thinks that Scott did some really cool painting techniques, one of which he was doing with the sponge on the forehead of the model. Scott worried that he was running out of time so he covered up the model’s forehead. Ve wishes that he wouldn’t have done that - she feels that he covered up some really cool work.
Ve felt that Marie did a really good job laying down the prosthetics, however Ve also thinks that the paint on the model’s face is a bit muddy. Rick felt that Marie might have misunderstood the challenge and says that her model looks like a rusty Frankenstein. And thus, Marie was eliminated in Round 1.
Eryn really enjoys the headpiece Angie created for her model but she’s concerned about the edge that’s sticking out of model’s cheek. Angie says that the edge was sticking down when she first applied it but Ve disagrees. Actually, Ve says, “There is no way on God’s green Earth that that edge did not have a buckle in it form the very beginning. “ So there’s that.
Rick was impressed that Jonathon glued a lot of pieces onto his model’s face in such a short amount of time and although Rick comments that the face is a bit “caddywhompus”, he feels that Jonathon made it work. Eryn really digs how Jonathon turned the ears around and cut things up - she calls him "very inventive".
For Round 2 the artists had to create slasher villains a la horror films with an emphasis on frightening masks.
Eryn felt like the makeup was hiding behind all the props Jonathon used for his slasher villain who was supposed to have been trampled a stampede. Ve thinks that Jonathon spending more time on his costume than on his makeup was to his detriment. In the end, this cost Jonathon the competition and he was eliminated.
Ve feels that Angie had a good use of well blended appliances this time but was confused about the smudges on the face. At Rick was concerned about the mask Angie used but thinks that in the end it was effective.
Rick was mystified (read: confused) about the pieces on the model’s cheeks for Scott’s final look. Eryn thinks that Scott made the brain nice and shiny (what a compliment!) and also said that he did some nice “veining” on the top of the forehead, which was a nice detail.
For the final round, the artists had to create two characters - a super hero and a super villain with polar opposite traits. Here are Angie's final looks.
Eryn really feels that the horns could have complimented the rest of the suit on Angie’s final look but overall, she feels that Angie did a great job. Rick thinks that the nemesis would have benefited from a differed wig as it would have made him a bit more frightening and intimidating. But it’s all good either way because Angie won the final round and is now $10,000 richer! Huzzah!
Rick likes the combination of black and red on the villain character but questions what the pieces are on the super heroes face for Scott’s final look. While Eryn loved the use of the crystals to make the character look like he has snow on him, she feels that Scott missed an opportunity to make the villain a little more glamorous and sexy by not turning the brow piece into more of an arched eyebrow.