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Top 5 GIFable Moments from Deadly Class Episode 6
Here's the weekly quality GIF content you need from Episode 6 of Deadly Class. Believe it or not, you can indeed relate to teen assassins.
Honestly at this point in the series, every moment feels pivotal. With less world-building and just generally more kick-assery, Episode 6 certainly did not disappoint.
Here are the top 5 GIFable moments from Season 1, Episode 6 of Deadly Class.
1. Best Excuse, Period: My ladies, this one is for you. Right after having no time for Billy's B.S., Petra excuses herself from class activities by announcing the presence of her menstral cycle. A classic, 100% success rate move even in a school full of assassins.
2. Pew! Pew! Pew!: Yup that's right, that's the sound of SHOTS FIRED. No guns in Kings Dominion? No problem. After failing Brandy during a class exercise, Master Zane gives his justification. Marcus is 100% all of us here. A straight fire burn.
3. Don't Stare!: Remember in high school when puberty was everywhere and a male classmate might have been having an um... embarassing moment downstairs? Turns out assassins aren't immune to this! Here, Viktor is playing bully to the max and is about to beat up poor Shabnam for embarassing him in class. Right before he begins the beating, Marcus walks in and points out Viktor's partial boner. Naturally, everyone stares.
4. Willie Finds Love: Earlier in the season, we find Marcus trying to be Billy's wingman with Petra. Though that one didn't work out so well, this one did. Here, after a rocky start, Willie starts a promising conversation with a cute young lady named, Gabrielle. The best part is, she's suuuper into comics - just like Willie! As she starts flexing her comic knowledge, Willie becomes smitten.
5. Straight "A" Brandy: This could be read two ways, straight "A" Brandy as in the grade, or just plain straight A**HOLE Brandy. Master Zane clearly hates Brandy, and refuses to give her an A in his class, even when Gao demands it of him. That is until Brandy brutally carves the letter "A" into his forehead (!!). Even the teachers aren't safe in Kings Dominion.
Tune-in every Wednesday at 10/9c to catch the latest episode of Deadly Class, only on SYFY.