In an image straight out of a Harlequin romance, Elena bathes Clay (in a tub. In the middle of a room. Huh?) and they get lovey dovey as they acknowledge that Clay only turned Elena into a werewolf to save her life all those years ago.
Daniel Santos meets with James Williams, the mastermind behind the attacks on the Pack (rhyme!). James orders him to raid Stately Stonehaven Manor.
Logan checks Rachel into a motel for her safety (spoiler: It doesn't work) and heads back to Stonehaven to stand with the Pack.
Once there, Logan tells Jeremy that he'll help fight off the bad guys, but after that he's leaving town with Rachel.
That might not be so easy, as Rachel, bound, runs out of the woods. She's a decoy for a wolf attack! Logan saves her, and Jeremy kills the wolf that leaps out.
Daniel's crew of bad wolves raid Stonehaven, and the Pack (highlighted by some ninja moves from Elena) takes them down, one by one.
LeBlanc, the psycho wolf with glasses, is about to kill Elena but Karl Marsten, in a surprising twist, saves her! He asks for amnesty.
Daniel is caught, and Elena kills him by ripping out his heart. Ouch.
Logan realizes Rachel is missing (again -twice in one episode!) and parts ways with Nick so he can go find her.
James Williams pops out and confronts Jeremy. We learn he's Jeremy's father and has it in for his son! Whoa!
Later, we see that James is holding Rachel captive.
Elena returns to her room, only to find Philip's severed head on her bed. She screams (so do we).