Nora, following a transformation, befriends hippie werewolf Pete. Pete tries to help Josh come to terms with his upcoming change into a werewolf by helping him find peace with his wolf-self. Basically this means a lot of meditation.
Meanwhile, Aidan's on his deathbed thanks to Liam injecting him with tainted blood. Yet he still manages to look handsome, one of the many reasons we love him.
Being about to die, Aidan flashes back to the 1700's, where he returned home to his wife, Susanna, after he became a vampire. Despite the period, Susanna is surprisingly liberal about her husband being undead. Aidan recalls Susanna telling him to not run from love when it finds him again after she dies (morbid, but inspiring).
Miracle of miracles, Aidan lives! Turns out drinking werewolf blood is the cure to the the vampire plague. He tells redheaded lady vamp Blake this, but orders her to make Nora and Josh off limits in terms of wolves to feed on.
With Susanna's words about embracing love ringing in his mind, healthy Aidan finds Kat and kisses her.
Now that a cure has been found, Blake gathers a group of surviving vampires and traps a werewolf. Feeding time begins as the blood suckers feast on what's the equivalent of vampire penicillin for them.
Sally, meanwhile, is just trying to be an upstanding citizen and practice good oral hygiene when her toothbrush GOES THROUGH HER CHEEK. Looks like her rotting flesh has gone into overdrive.
As if that wasn't freaky enough, that meat craving she displayed last episode starts again. Except, this time, it applies to a mouse she finds.....and eats. Yes, Sally eats a live mouse.
Here's the twist - after dining a la rodent, Sally discovers that her sores have healed. Looks like fresh meat = healthy skin if you're Sally. It's the zombie equivalent of moisturizer!
But the need for flesh isn't just to prevent rotting. Sally finds herself CRAVING it, and freaks herself out when she nearly bites a little kid.
Sally's friend Nick, whose cravings have moved up to dogs, surprises his girlfriend Zoe when she comes home - by starting to attack her. This can't end well.