Don't Fear The Scott 9 photos Next Gallery12 Monkeys: Sneak Peek 26308 Josh has a lot on his mind. 26307 Nora gets advice from Sally. 26309 Josh is at a major crossroads in his life--which way will he go? 26281 Sally is on a quest to make a mends with her bad behavior. 26096 True love stands the test of time. 26278 Julia chooses her words wisely at an awkward dinner with Suren. 26108 Josh cautiously eats his dinner. 26310 Sally has a lot of explaining to do. 26087 The group tries to keep calm as Julia and Suren chat. 26311 Aidan's expression is worth a thousand words. 26312 Suren is always calm under pressure. 26075 Sally...and Scott...together forever? 26313 Henry stands tall next to his maker. 26272 She's all smiles...for now. 26314 Mother returns to unleash her wrath. 26315 Aidan responds to being excommunicated from the vampire order. 26282 Suren must choose a side: Aidan or Mother dearest? Previous Pause Next 1 of 17