New York Comic Con 2015 may be over, but the memories -- particularly those of the cosplay -- will last forever. Check out these costumed attendees.
Giving Hugs Jason Vorhees is a huge softie (and we don't just mean his maggoty, rotting head). He took a moment to engage in this tender embrace.
Giving Directions Here's Tinkerbell giving directions to the bathroom to a fellow Con-goer who, we can only assume, had to tinkle.
Taking the Escalator Spider-Man snuck out inconspicuously via escalator when he noticed hundreds of cosplayers with backpacks full of extra strength hairspray—a spider's worst enemy.
Pushing Their Way Through the Crowd The Hulk Buster has no problem taking down an angry, humongous green beast but finds it really difficult to make it to the hot dog stand through a crowd of over-stimulated nerds.
"I just want a hot dog!" cries Tony Stark.
Here's Godzilla with a similar problem.
Going on a Shopping Spree Robin hit the exhibit floor Kardashian-style — with booty-hugging Spandex, oversized black glasses and fistful o' bags.
Looking For Bargains The Punisher and Harley Quinn took a day off from being ruthless supervillains to roll up their spandex and search for a good discount.
Hitting the Food Court Sometimes a zombie just needs some overpriced chicken fingers and fries to satisfy that ravenous appetite. Here’s one we saw shuffling around the food court for a seat.
Touching Up Here's Batgirl re-applying her lipstick. Always be prepared.
Dressing Down Here's Vader and Boba Fett chilling in their weekend clothes. We're sure Boba Fett will pick up way more chicks without his giant rocket attached to his back.
Being Narcissistic Rocket the Raccoon decides if this photo of him is acceptable for public consumption. There's nothing worse than a bad synthetic hair day.