WARNING: If you don't want to know what happened in this episode, don't read this photo recap!
Double, double… this challenge spells trouble!
Super Group #2 is down one soldier, but that doesn’t mean they’re not gonna fight!
Super Group #1 loves working with each other, but their concept is just not lighting the inspirational fires for anyone this week.
Emily thinks her witch sculpt is a little blah, but maybe she can save it with a paint job.
Cig and the gang revamped their concept to focus more on the rat elements, but they keep an ouroboros-type emblem on the forehead, to make the name of the curse make sense.
Cutest rat pads we’ve ever seen.
Check these bad babes and dude out!
Don’t know what these guys did to deserve this curse, but it must’ve been bad…
The judges had such a hard time picking the top team, and eventually had based it off their favorite makeup: Tyler’s suffocating witch.
Everybody… and we mean everybody… hates to see Ben go. But we know this isn’t the last we’ll see of him!